What’s in a Name?

Sunday, September 22, 10:30 am – 

What’s in a Name? 

Rev Melora Lynngood, Homilist –   

Jana Kotaska, Worship Associate – 

The current name of our congregation is the “First Unitarian Church of Victoria.” For years now, we’ve heard grumblings that that name is not the best expression of who we actually are. Do we need to emphasize that we were “First?” What impression is given by using the word “Church” in our name? Does our name welcome in all who may want to be here?Rev. Melora

In this month of “Invitation,” we invite you into the process of reconsidering what name we wish to give this community. After the service, stay for an engaging and interactive session hosted by our Name Team (the same folks who guided us through our mission process last spring: Aeryn Bannister, Victoria Barr, Gita John-Iyam, Dar Levy, David Tietz). Then stay tuned for further steps in the process throughout the fall.

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Sunday Services

Join us at 10:30 a.m. for the Sunday worship service. You can connect by phone or online, or attend in person.