Greater Victoria Acting Together (GVAT)

Greater Victoria Acting Together (GVAT) is a broad-based diverse organization that builds collaborative relationships among people from various civic institutions, community, ethnic, non-profit and faith-based groups. It is dedicated to strengthening each member organization, developing and empowering leaders in order to grow healthy and effective civic engagement.

The idea is to use established principles and collaborative techniques to address the real issues facing the peoples of this region. GVAT’s members are committed to building and exercising power equally with each other, developing relationships of mutual respect and dignity and so building a strong community across lines that may have otherwise divided them. We currently have a diverse membership ranging from student groups, unions, faith groups, and non-profit organizations in Victoria. Since 2018, we have made significant gains in mental health services, public transit infrastructure, affordable housing policy and more, thanks to the work of our Action Research Teams. To get involved with GVAT, contact their organizer, Izzy, at

Our church has a Core committee of those involved with GVAT that meets monthly, except July and August.  Check the church calendar for meeting info, approach any of the committee members listed in the GVAT column of the church newsletter each month, and join us at one of the GVAT activities or trainings, often listed in the e-weekly.

Sunday Services

Join us at 10:30 a.m. for the Sunday worship service. You can connect by phone or online, or attend in person.