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How Does Music Open Us Up?

Sunday, February 16, 10:30 am –  How Does Music Open Us Up? –  Rev. Shana Lynngood, Homilist with  Karen Christie, Worship Associate,  Musical Director Christine Taber, the Chalice Choir and musical guests On this Music Sunday, we’ll spend most of the service listening to, and creating, music.  How does the art and beauty, the evocative nature of music, open us up in ways few other things can? What music speaks to your soul? How does it bring you to tears? Bring you to your feet? Inspire change?  Let’s explore together.

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Join IN-PERSON or ONLINE at 10:30 for worship


We are a welcoming community, energized by the diversity of beliefs, identity, and experience that each person brings. We encourage our children’s curiosity and nurture their open and loving nature.​


We gather every Sunday at 10:30am in all ages community to explore sacred mysteries, to sing of our longings and our blessings, to be still and listen (and again on a Sunday eve each month for Spirited Jazz).


Strengthened in spiritual growth, supported in community, energized by diversity, we strive to transform ourselves and our world through compassionate action.​