Who Do We Want to Be Now?

Sunday, Oct. 1, 10:30 am – 

Who Do We Want to Be Now? —

Rev. Melora Lynngood, David Tietz, and Victoria Barr, Homilists —

Lynne Bonner, Worship Associate —

Think about all that you have been holding in your heart lately. What is affecting you personally? What are the broader or global issues that affect you most deeply? Also think about where you find hope, joy, connection, gratitude, and courage. Given all of that, at this point in time, what do you think our congregation needs to be – for each other? and for the world?


This service launches our year-long “Shaping Our Future” mission/vision process. It’s also the beginning of exploring this month’s Soul Matters theme of “The Path of Generosity,” and is the beginning of our three-week “Funding Our Future” ABC Annual Budget Campaign for 2024.



Sunday Services

Join us at 10:30 a.m. for the Sunday worship service. You can connect by phone or online, or attend in person.