Reverend Helen McFadyen with Worship Associate Lynne Bonner – In Christian theology, “Grace” is understood as receiving God’s unexpected, unmerited blessings or divine favour, even when one has behaved badly. For Buddhists, “Karma” has to do with cause and effect; for every action, there will always be a reaction.
If Grace is about getting what you don’t deserve and Karma brings us exactly what we do deserve because of an immutable law of the universe, is there a spiritual law or truth that Unitarian Universalists can glean betwixt these?
Rev. McFadyen hails from Montreal, has lived in cities and towns all across Canada and is delighted to now call Victoria home. She is a new member of FUCV, and volunteers from off-site with our Transportation Task Force.
She owns and operates a consultant business focused on accessibility and inclusion. She works for the Unitarian Universalist Association as Administrative Director of AIM — the Accessibility and Inclusion Ministry certification program for UU congregations.
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