Commitment for Community Can’t Be Quarantined, Nor Infected

Commitment for Community Can’t Be Quarantined, Nor Infected – 

Rev. Csongor Benedek, introduced by Michelle Poirier Brown, with worship associate David Vest

As a Unitarian minister of a small-town congregation in Transylvania, Rev. Benedek reflects on the importance of church connections – and the “accumulated need” to get back to our beloved communities again after the pandemic.

He will share what it is like to live with this longing for community among his parishioners in Sovata, and his sense of the recovery we will see when we can come back together. 

Rev. Benedek writes: “I am a Unitarian minister in Transylvania, Romania. I have been serving all together for three and a half years as a Unitarian minister in four small churches (different congregations). After graduating high school I studied English for one year and geography and tourism for five years (as a first degree) and then I immediately turned to Theology (my father being a Unitarian minister as well) and studied for six years in the Institute of the Protestant Seminary in Kolozsvár/Cluj-Napoca, Transylvania, Romania. 

“I visited different UU congregations in the U.S., I also preached in St. Paul, Minn., once. I feel really connected to Unitarian Universalists and their 7 principles. I am delighted to be in touch with Canadian UU’s through my great friend Michelle Poirier Brown.”


Sunday Services

Join us at 10:30 a.m. for the Sunday worship service. You can connect by phone or online, or attend in person.