CUC National Online Service

Sunday, November 20, 10:00 am ( please note new time) –
CUC National Online Service –

Join Unitarians from around Canada either online from home, or in Lion Hall for the service, Living Into Covenant.
We Unitarian Universalists are a covenantal people. Our faith tradition believes in the power and possibility of covenant – a set of shared promises, agreements, and understandings to hold us together. How does a vision of covenant hold us together when we disagree? How does our faith community covenant overlap and diverge from the other covenants of our lives (being a partner or parent or friend or citizen of the world?)? How is all of this impacted by how well we are keeping a covenant with ourselves, our own well being? Join Revs Shana Lyngood and Anne Barker in exploration and reflection.

View the service on the CUC’s YouTube channel.



Sunday Services

Join us at 10:30 a.m. for the Sunday worship service. You can connect by phone or online, or attend in person.