Flooded with Love

Sunday, February  12, 10:30 am-
Flooded with Love-
Intergenerational Service-
Reilly Yeo, Homilist-Jana Kotaska, Worship Associate

In this intergenerational service, join us as we make an old story new. As waters rise around us, how do we human beings flood the world with our divine love? We’ll take the kids of FUCV on a journey, as our community rallies to survive the age-old experience of the flood, and then gleans lessons from it: lessons about being stewards of the natural world around us, about leaving no-one behind, and about listening to and learning from each other, including the youngest and smallest voices among us. This will be a fun, interactive, music-filled service, that will also include moments of quiet and contemplation for those who need them. See you there!


Sunday Services

Join us at 10:30 a.m. for the Sunday worship service. You can connect by phone or online, or attend in person.