Fresh Eyes

Fay Mogensen with Worship Associate Samantha Magnus – 

This past winter, Faye Mogensen says she didn’t know what to expect when she and her husband set off to volunteer in a small West African town. 

Max Planck’s words, “when you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change,” are

Faye Mogensen

now resonating for her. 

The stories in today’s service are based on her reflections of their time in Taiama, Sierra Leone, and some surprising experiences there. 

Faye Mogensen is a Victoria Unitarian member and the former Director of Spiritual Exploration and Learning. She has continued to hone her storytelling skills and gathered more stories during her recent travels, as well as here at home.


Sunday Services

Join us at 10:30 a.m. for the Sunday worship service. You can connect by phone or online, or attend in person.