Sunday, January 2, 10:30am
GVAT – Moving Forward in a Challenging Year
Joe Chrastil, guest speaker; members of FUCV’s GVAT Core Team, collaborators, with Casey Stainsby, worship associate –
This service will review the accomplishments over the past year of Greater Victoria Acting Together (GVAT), of which our church is a member. In a recorded interview, our guest Joe Chrastil will explain how organizations like GVAT came about and where we are headed as we harness GVAT’s incredible power to make a difference in our communities. As well, there will be updates on each of the Action Research Teams. Join us for this annual service and learn how GVAT is making a significant impact in our community.
Joe Chrastil has over 40 years of experience in building action-oriented community organizations – focusing on leadership development and capacity building – that have addressed a wide range of issues related to jobs, immigration, health care, education, climate change, housing, and transportation. He is currently the Director / Lead Organizer for the IAF (Industrial Areas Foundation) Northwest, responsible for oversight and support for the leaders and organizers of the IAF affiliated organizations in Canada (Victoria, Calgary, Edmonton), the Northwest US (Seattle –Tacoma, Spokane, Portland, Missoula) Australia (Sydney, Brisbane) and New Zealand (Auckland and Living Wage NZ).
View the Service.