Hoarding Hotel Hand Crème

Rev. Melora Lynngood with Worship Associate Susan Layng

All of us have more than some and less than others.  Someone always has it worse than us; someone always has it better.  This state of things can lead to jealousy, guilt, andmelora closeup sometimes fear.

What spiritual practices might help us avoid these pitfalls?  How might we engage in a practice of gratitude that feels genuine – not forced, but natural, joyful, and spontaneous?  How might we get to a place where, regardless of how much we have, we feel good about what we can give?  (You’ll just have to come to the service to hear the story that explains the full title: Hoarding Hotel Hand Crème and other Misdemeanors of Fear.)

– graphic by Rosemary Harrison

Sunday Services

Join us at 10:30 a.m. for the Sunday worship service. You can connect by phone or online, or attend in person.