Just the Way You Are

Rev. Melora Lynngood with worship associate David Vest – 

This month, we consider the spiritual practice of commitment. 

Today, we look at how nurturing a culture of affirmation might strengthen our ability to sustain and grow in committed relationships – our relationships with individual people, as well as our relationship with community. 

How often do you voice your appreciations of others? 

How often do you criticize? 

Is there a difference between what you think in your head and what you say out loud?  

A ‘culture of affirmation’ does not mean saying everyone is the best at everything. In fact, it comes with some relief that we don’t have to be the best at everything. We can come and be valued as is, a mix of gifts and frailties, just the way we are.


Sunday Services

Join us at 10:30 a.m. for the Sunday worship service. You can connect by phone or online, or attend in person.