Learning About Indigenous Rights in Canada

Sunday, June 25, 10:30 am – 
Karen Christie, Homilist –
Lynne Bonner, Worship Associate —

How much do we really know about Indigenous rights in Canada? What motivates us to learn all there is to know? And where can we turn to learn about Canada’s Indigenous peoples? Let’s look at recent national days of recognition, June 21st and July 1st. Find out about a couple of stories of the hard fight for Indigenous rights. All this is in the spirit of reconciliation as we strive to live in right relationship with the original stewards of this land.

Karen Christie discovered she was Unitarian in 1996. Seven years ago she retired to Victoria and joined Capital UU Congregation. She is actively involved in the THRUU team, and recently became a friend of FUCV. Karen was a teacher on three continents before moving to Ottawa to work in international development. This took her to three more continents where she lived in fragile states, and recently led her to write her memoir. Karen enjoys the arts and the outdoors.


Sunday Services

Join us at 10:30 a.m. for the Sunday worship service. You can connect by phone or online, or attend in person.