Sunday, June 18, 10:30 am –
Lessons Learned Through Helping Others –
Jacqueline McAdam, Homilist –
Fran Pardee, Worship Associate –
Jacqueline will speak on the art of resilience and the key factors that seems to make a difference. We will learn how acts of kindness create a much greater ripple,
and how asking for help, even when it seems difficult, can change our lives.
Jacqueline McAdam began working in Africa, specifically Kenya, Rwanda, and Ethiopia, as an independent consultant for the United Nations and various non-government organizations in the early 90s. Her doctoral research focuses on factors that enhance coping and adaptation for young people from various war zones in Africa. This work has expanded into a deeper understanding of the concept of resilience. She is presently writing a book on resilience and working as a counsellor to support the enhancement of a resilient mindset.