Sunday, July 24, 10:30 am-
Living Gracefully with Bad News-
Farrell Boyce, homilist-
Lynne Bonner, worship associate-
“While climate change is a global problem that could unleash disaster on the whole of Planet Earth, I believe that it must be addressed meaningfully at the local bioregional scale as well as at the global scale. I have supported the Saanich Peninsula Environmental Coalition, a coalition that was formed to encourage the three small Peninsula municipalities to harmonize their bylaws that govern and protect the natural spaces into which these communities have inserted themselves. One of the selling points of this initiative is that living in communities where nature is protected and enjoyed produces voters supportive of large-scale environmental initiatives, leading to, we hope, a bottoms-up reform of global environmental practice. I believe that the people in this splendidly endowed bioregion will rise to the occasion when they come to love the people and this place, becoming indigenous to it while mindful of its responsibilities to the global challenge.” – Farrell Boyce
Farrell Boyce was born in Vancouver BC on July 15, 1939. His enthusiasm for fishing, which he shared with his father, led to a career as a research scientist working on Great Lakes issues at a Federal institute in Hamilton, Ontario. In his spare time, he became an environmental advocate with links to the Hamilton arts community, and through his membership, to the Hamilton Unitarian Church. Farrell won awards for both his scientific work and for his environmental advocacy. In retirement, Farrell and his wife, Penny, relocated to southern Vancouver Island in September 1999. They soon joined the First Unitarian Church of Victoria and Farrell became involved in local environmental issues.