Sister Marie Zarowny and Worship Associate Liz Graham
The Sisters of St. Ann have served the people of Victoria and the Pacific Northwest since 1858, providing health care, education and spiritual
Sister Marieaccompaniment to thousands. Just as individuals age, so do organizations. Sister Marie Zarowny is charged with bringing to completion the work of her order in such a way that it honours and continues to promote its mission and spiritual foundation. Doing something never done before calls forth imagination, creativity and risk.
Sister Marie Zarowny is a Sister of Saint Ann currently serving as Province Leader of the Congregation’s Western Canada region. She has served as a teacher and school administrator in the past and has worked in social justice for nearly 40 years. Since her earliest days of social activism, she has been committed to fostering a spirituality that will sustain and deepen, from a faith perspective, the commitment of people engaged in social change.
Sister Marie has worked in solidarity with First Nations on Vancouver Island and the Northwest Territories for aboriginal rights, including the right to self-government and land use; to negotiate a just, compassionate, and timely resolution to the injustice of residential schools, and to support community initiatives for healing and reconciliation. As part of her duties, she is overseeing the completion of the active service of the Sisters of Saint Ann in the Western Canadian Region.