Reverend Frances Deverell — Unitarians have always desired a public voice and presence in the modern era.
Where have we come from? What role has the Canadian Unitarians For Social Justice had to play in the process? What are the possibilities for us going forward? What does CUSJ have to contribute to the Canadian Unitarian search for wholeness?
Reverend Frances Leigh Deverell served three Unitarian congregations before retir- ing in 2010. This followed a twenty-five-year career in Management Training and Or- ganizational Development. She is the author of Finding Common Voice, the Canadian congregational handbook for social responsibility and currently serves as Past President of the Canadian Unitarians For Social Justice. She works to build vital Unitarian com- munities that provide sanctuary for the soul and a voice for justice in the world. Her current involvements include a Restorative Justice Round Table in Vanier, ClimateFast, Fair Vote Canada and USC Canada. She is a member of the First Unitarian Congrega- tion of Ottawa. Frances is supported by her husband, Ron Wilson and her daughter, Karen Abramson, who lives in Vancouver.