Martin Settle, Co-Executive Director of USC Canada with Worship Associate Doug McGinnis —
Seven decades after USC Canada was born as the Unitarian Services Committee, our Seeds of Survival program is giving communities in Canada and around the world a renewed sense of possibility and independence. Protecting seeds and farmers’ rights yields much more than good food: it also sows a brighter future for farming families and for our planet. We share with you — our earliest and strongest supporters — our stories of change and hope.
Martin Settle is Executive Director of USC Canada, Canada’s oldest independent international assistance organization and a global leader in seed conservation. Passionate about global justice, Martin approaches the critical work of enhancing biodiversity as both an end in itself and as a gateway to transforming relationships, lives, and communities. He brings to you stories and firsthand experience of USC Canada’s “Seeds of Survival” program in Ethiopia, Burkina Faso, Mali, Timor-Leste, Bangladesh, and Canada. Donate