Rev. Melora Lynngood –
Have you ever felt like a ‘nobody,’ like someone was dismissing you as ‘less than?’ Less intelligent, less worthy of attention, less worthy in general?
In this service, we explore the idea of ‘rankism,’ as posited by Robert Fuller, the dismissal and discrimination of those with less power or status by those with more power or status. Rankism includes classism, racism, sexism, colonialism, and also much more.
We’ll consider when we’ve been dismissed, and when we have (even unintentionally or subconsciously) dismissed others. And we’ll look at the practice that combats rankism: the practice of dignity, which is a deeper living of our first Unitarian Universalist principle, ‘we covenant to affirm and promote the inherent worth and dignity of every person.’
Imagine what the world would be like if we all really did that! This topic was chosen by the winner of the ‘topic on a sermon of your choice’ in last June’s service auction.