Stoic Philosophy

Russell McNeil with Worship Associate Larry Boldt – 

Stoicism is a very simple philosophy. Everything in the universe is interconnected as in a web and governed by a universal natural law. Human beings are in this web, so are subject to the same laws as everything else. The human mind or psyche, as the Greeks referred to the soul, is not mysterious or alien – it is a natural power we all har- ness to take action – to do things with our lives. We call this power “reason.” The Stoics were guided by a natu- ral – yet divine – “law,” called Logos that rested firmly on the real laws of nature, or physics. Stoicism requires ab- solute authenticity and brutal honesty.

Russell McNeil has a PhD in Physics from York University. As a graduate student in the 1970s he pioneered a laser radar (LIDAR) technology which in its evolved form has been used to measure properties of the atmosphere from the surface of Mars (NASA “Phoenix” mission, 2010). In 2008 Russell wrote “The Meditations of Marcus Aurelius, Selections Annotated and Explained” for Skylight Paths. A life-long fitness enthusiast, Russell is certified as a Personal Trainer. Russell is also one of two lay chaplains at First Unitarian Fellowship of Nanaimo.


Sunday Services

Join us at 10:30 a.m. for the Sunday worship service. You can connect by phone or online, or attend in person.