Rev. Melora Lynngood with Worship Associate Susan Layng – How’s your stress level? What do you do when your life feels too busy, overwhelming, or otherwise laden with reasons to be anxious?
How well do you handle it when plans don’t go the way you want or when people don’t behave the way you wish they would?
Do you get stressed out like Rabbit, or do you, like Eeyore, feel like giving up in gloomy despair?
Drawing from the old classic, The Tao of Pooh and the even older classic, the Tao te Ching, Rev. Melora, our resident Eeyore and occasional Rabbit, explores with us some of the wisdom to be gleaned from Taoism, and how it might help us go with the flow, face what is (even when it’s difficult), and move forward with grace and inner-peace.