Martin Settle of USC Canada with Worship Associate Doug McGinnis —
Almost all religious traditions promote some concept of stewardship – that it is our responsibility to care for the environment and each other. But stewardship is not conservation. At a time when the systems we have created to “enhance” human comfort are at risk of destroying the planet, we need to see our stewardship as a process; we must seed change. Reflecting on the experiences of USC Canada, Martin will explore how we can serve as faithful stewards, together.
Sunday worship livestream: to view please click on this link. To view past worship services (as of Jan. 27) click on this link.
Martin Settle, Executive Director of USC Canada, has traveled to 10 of the 12 USC Canada supported program countries and currently co-chairs the International Development sector’s “Steering Committee on the Prevention of and Response to Sexual Misconduct”. He is a former lay minister in the United Church of Canada and father of two.
USC Canada (previously the Unitarian Service Committee of Canada) is a non-profit founded in 1945 by Dr. Lotta Hitschmanova and rooted in the notions of human dignity and equality. Today, USC Canada is part of a global movement fighting for justice, health and sustainability by shifting the way our food is grown. It works with farmers in 12 countries, including Canada, to strengthen their ability to grow food sustainably, using locally adapted seeds. By harnessing the power of good seeds, farmer leadership and global solidarity, we help communities thrive. Donate