When Justice is Not Clear to Everyone

Rev. Melora Lynngood with Worship Associate Larry Boldt —

This Sunday at 10:30 am we look at our new national Unitarian Universalist vision states that “our interdependence calls us to love and justice.”  What do we do when we can’t agree on what ‘justice’ is in a given situation?  What do you do when something that seems so clear to you is not clear to someone else? What do you do when the ‘right’ and ‘wrong’ of a given issue is unclear to you?  How do we walk through the greys and the disagreements, and still move together toward love and justice in the world?

Graphic by Dar Gareau-Levy


Sunday Services

Join us at 10:30 a.m. for the Sunday worship service. You can connect by phone or online, or attend in person.