Gather in Lion Hall at 4 pm for pizza and join Arran Liddel, Director of SEL-CY, Rev. Melora Lynngood and Worship Associate Oliver Belisle for simple craft activities. At 4:45 pm, we’ll move into the Sanctuary to begin our ritual by the light of a single candle at the centre of a spiral of evergreen boughs.
Each child will be invited to walk the spiral, in candlelight and slowly, magically, the room will grow brighter. The youngest children will go first. The “young at heart” will be invited to participate in the ritual after the children.
Treats and hot apple cider await in the Lion Hall when the ritual is complete, or when the young grow restless.
Children and youth are invited to bring a small special object that gives them comfort or warmth in the winter nights that will be placed in the spiral before the ritual begins (objects will be returned to owners at the end). Donate