Ways to Get Involved

See Our Activities Calendar too!

These small groups are open both to members of the congregation and to those comfortable with Unitarian-Universalism. Presumably, no one comes to a religious community just to join a committee or participate in corporate worship. Click any one of these for details:

Spirituality Group

Spirituality Group members are currently meeting in person at someone’s home and also on Zoom from 2 pm to 4 pm on the first Sunday of the month. We maintain social distance in  accordance with our church protocols on Covid 19.

The meeting format includes opening readings, expressions of joys and concerns through lighting of a candle, and a 15-minute silent meditation before a free-wheeling discussion on a mutually pre-chosen topic.

Spirituality Group members examine their own humanity in the context of our place within the great mystery, our relationship to each other and to nature, all the while acknowledging the “spirit” within. The goal is a gentle journey together towards deeper understanding. Members develop trust, share deep personal stories and keep such things confidential. Everyone is most welcome.

Please email Nancy Dobbs: nandobbs@telus.net for the Zoom Link.

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Depression & Anxiety Support Circle

We are a confidential peer-led support group. Weekly zoom meetings are a mix of structured sharing and informal conversation, to provide a safe space, as well as foster warmth and humour wherever it can be found, during our 90 minutes together. For more information, or to put your name on our email list,
please email Pat: kinradep@gmail.com or Lies: eweijs@ryerson.ca

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Monthly Monday Pub Night

Pub Night will continue to meet at 7 PM on the first Monday of the month at Lure in the Delta Ocean Pointe Hotel,  100 Harbour Rd, Victoria, BC. Please contact John Hopewell for further details.

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Song Circle and Zoom Sing

Coordinators: Nancy Dobbs and Jewel Spooner
Fridays  from 1:30-2:30

SONG CIRCLE: Everyone welcome to hybrid format singing in the Sanctuary and on Zoom. Two Fridays a month- 1:30-2:30. Check the newsletter, E-weekly or contact Nancy Dobbs for the schedule. Led by Nancy Dobbs and Jewel Spooner with tech support from Bernhard Spalteholz. Our Song Circles are Informal, relaxed, with a campfire vibe… songs of peace and joy; familiar, new, folk, world songs, lighthearted, chants…all with words provided.
Please email Nancy Dobbs  nandobbs@telus.net for more info and/or a Zoom link.

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Neighbourhood Groups

All members, friends, and newcomers may join a Neighbourhood Group. Groups meet monthly, bi-monthly, quarterly and, sometimes, occasionally.There are no rules to join, no tests to pass. All you have to do is live in one of the neighbourhoods.
If you don’t know which group could be yours, please phone the  office, 250-744-2665. to find out more please visit this link: https://victoriaunitarian.ca/program/neighbourhood-groups/

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Monday Unitarian Walkers

We need to keep our bodies active and moving, preferably walking on one of the many beautiful trails of South Vancouver Island. And it’s great fun hanging out with our fellow Unitarians.
So join us, the Monday Unitarian Walkers, an inclusive group which welcome ALL interested Unitarian members and friends who can walk steadily for 1-2 hours.

If you are interested in joining these weekly walks, please contact: Contact Chris Cook 49chriscook@gmail.com to be put on the email list.


Embodied Soul Celebrations

Circle Dance is an ancient tradition common to many cultures to mark special occasions and strengthen community. Sacred Circle Dances are moving meditations that integrate mind, body, and spirit to music from around the world. No previous experience or partners are needed, all dances are simple and taught — if you can walk, you can dance!

Equinox and Solstice Rituals enrich life and aid spiritual development. They honour the start of each season and serve as focal points for individuals and communities, strengthening connections with dimensions of self, other, sacred forces, and Nature. They commonly include times of silent introspection, exuberant expression, and vocal interaction.

Dia de los Muertos is a widely celebrated Nov 2nd pre-conquest Mexican tradition of honouring the deceased and reflects the indigenous belief that death is a continuance of life in another dimension.

Our calendar has details of current monthly Full Moon Dance Circles, quarterly Solstice/Equinox Rituals, and an annual Dia de los Muertos dance and ritual.

soulful celebrations

Sunday Services

Join us at 10:30 a.m. for the Sunday worship service. You can connect by phone or online, or attend in person.